I've been busy. Like skipping showers busy.
This will be my last post in Utah. Next blog I'll be in Denver.
The past few days have consisted of excitement and tears.
I don't think it's hit me today yet. I'm sure it will around noon.
Keiran took yesterday and today off work so he could be with me.
We made a nice big breakfast for us and my grandparents. Blueberry pancakes, scrambled eggs, and turkey bacon.
I gave him a little scrapbook I've been working on with photos of us that have been taken while I've been in Utah. He seems to really enjoy it which makes me happy.
I went through all of my craft stuff and decided what all I wanted to ship to Denver.
I went to Brea's and she dyed my hair. I'm a little more redheaded. She let me vent and cry to her. I held and kissed little Korbyn's head. I'm going to miss my best friend and our times together.
Last night Keiran took me to dinner and a movie. I decided some Queso Dip from Chili's sounded amazing. As soon as it got to the table it hit me that Keiran has a strong dislike for beans. Opps. More for me I guess (Although I felt really bad) After we went to The Hunger Games. I own the book but have yet to get around to reading it so I didn't know what to expect, I have to say though..I just loved it. Seriously. Even if you haven't read the book you need too...then start to read the books!
I'm up at 6am to start packing some more. However I knew I had to get a blog in before I left to Colorado.
My Grandparents have a doctor's appointment so me and Keiran are going out to breakfast at 8. Possibly the bear paw. They have good coffee..and if you couldn't tell..we're coffee people. Although I'm sure I'll be calling him soon to have him come just a little earlier...just because.
I have made a to-do list of all the things I need to accomplish and a packing list of things not to forget. I don't think I'll have time to breathe or sit. I want to get everything done earlier in the day so I can have the night with Keiran and my Grandparents. Grandma is making my favorite dinner and her red velvet cake.
Cuddle with my doggie (who has been extra cuddly lately and has been moping around because she know's I'm leaving)
& most of all cuddle with my man. and cry. and laugh. and cry some more.
My day is going to be an emotional rollercoaster.
I'll up early. 4 a.m early just to get my bearings on everything and to make sure everything is together.
I'll have coffee and some breakfast then hit the shuttle at 7 a.m.
My Aunt is taking me from the shuttle to the airport. & on our way we are hitting up the cheesecake factory.
I get to Denver about 4:30 p.m.
Maybe I'll have time to sneak in a blog tomorrow night.
I'm starting to itch with excitement. A new place. new people. & new adventure. I'm anxious to get back into school and the classroom. I love school, I really do.
Even though I know I'll be back to visit in 2 1/2 months it's still hard leaving. It's always hard leaving my grandparents, I should be use to it..but I'm not.
I knew it was going to hard leaving Keiran...but it was something I was not prepared for. You never want to leave the man you love for that long. ever.
We'll be okay though, I just know it. I told him I refuse to say "Goodbye" and it would be "See you later." We're keeping strong for each other and I believe in us.
It's not going to be easy but it will be so worth it.
Well, it's been fun roaming in the red mountains time of Utah. It's rocky mountain time though.
I'll see you in June.
You guys will be fine(: It get's easier, trust me. And if you ever need a friend to just call and cry to, don't forget my number.