Saturday, September 15, 2012

Oh hi, twenties.

I am finally 20 as of yesterday.
yeah yeah yeah!

although the waitress at Red Robin who so kindly brought me a free birthday sundae was almost in disbelief. She thought I was much younger. "Well when you're thirty, you'll look twenty!" So she thought I was 10. Flattering. But hey, a sundae with more whipped cream then ice cream, so I won't complain. 

Keiran was the first to call and tell me Happy Birthday, at 12:00am on the dot. What a sweetheart. 
Later that morning when the sun was out we skyped and had coffee. I then skyped with my family at 10 for when I turned 10:06. 

Me and my friend Valerie went to a very small crafting market on 16th street where I sampled some amazing vegetarian jerky, and why I did not buy some, I still do not know. 
Then we decided to spend some money and have a lunch of frozen yogurt. A mixture of espresso, red velvet cake, white chocolate macadamia flavors and topped with sprinkles, oreos, and caramel. I make treats that could be a healthier options give you diabetes.
The cashier cancelled my card transaction at TJ-Max because it was my birthday so I basically got a free shirt. Win. 

Later on in the day I received a package from my Grams and Papa which contained a lovely silver and gray Coach bag. & a second card from my great grandparents which contained $20. Jackpot. 

Ashton then came to pick me up where we went to a big fancy mall and I spent even more money. I did however buy a cute pair of pink/mauve jeans at American Eagle on sale. She then later took me to Red Robin for dinner where I chowed down on a delicious veggie burger and steak fries. & then I got my free sundae. 

I got home and called my Honey Nut Cheerio.
He will be here in 6 days and we are more then thrilled!

Good birthday I must say. 
I have a list of 25 things I want to see happen before I'm 25 which I will post later. 

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