Thursday, October 4, 2012

Oh, Hi!

I'm alive guys. 
& I've missed blogging really. 

Keiran came to visit me for 10 days and left on Monday. 
The first day he got here we celebrated my birthday, he is so sweet with all of the gifts he gave me! & of course the pearls my parents sent with him for me! Later that night we relaxed and made dinner together, it was nice just being together. 
Throughout the week we did everything from The Botanical Gardens, Elitch Gardens (six flags), The Art Museum, The Aquarium and two zoos! I must say the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is the best, you can't beat feeding giraffes, a big fat monkey kissing your hand, and 4 otters that love showing off! Oh, and food, we had lots of good food, including Ethiopian food. 
& we kissed, a lot. 
There was nothing better then being with him 24/7 for an entire 10 days. 
It was so hard for me to let him go, mostly hard because I wasn't forced to get on a plane or shutter, I didn't HAVE to let him go and drive away from me, but I guess I'm nice. 

Maybe throughout the week I'll do a few blogs of our adventures! 

I've started a new term in school. With classes including Location, Critical Thinking, Advanced Lighting, a Photoshop class, and Photographic Materials and Process (Which I am more then excited for!) 
& on another note, I got a scholarship! Yip yip yippie! 

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, it looks so beautiful there! :) I love seeing your adventures(:
