Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Watching: Since I don't have TV I really don't watch many shows. However, I started watching Parenthood on Netflix and just loved it so much. I currently have 2 free weeks of Hulu & was able to watch the latest season. I love Adam & Christina so I wanted to cry all of the time for her. & the very last episode where Max got the vending machine back for his school and his excitement made me shoot through the roof! I think I cried a little too. Sarah better stop being a drama queen and just stay with photographer dude and live happily ever after & Hattie should just never come back from college, because well, I think she's an annoying brat. & Parenthood is too good for that. 

Thinking about: I'm hungry and I should really think about eating. I should really make some kale chips. 

Reading: I really wanted to read a Chuck Palahniuk book, so I read about them on goodreads and decided that Invisable Monsters looked like something I would like. A girl who was a model, had a boyfriend, a great life, and then her jaw got blown off. Great story right? It sounded weird and crazy. & I like weird and crazy. I saw in the reviews "About every page you'll be saying 'WTF?!'"" I have yet to get that reaction and I'm more then half way through. Except for the "Birds. Birds ate my face" part. I decided to pick up the book Haunted today incase I just couldn't get through this one, I heard one of the short stories has made 70 or so people faint. Awesome. I do have a dark side, guys. I also picked up "Nobody but us" by Kristin Halbrook, a love story, just in case I do however, faint. 

Looking forward to: 

a) A little over a month and Keiran will be here to visit! That's always so exciting, our countdown is almost ready to begin! I'm ready for our time and exploring together!

b) In a couple weeks I will be the official photographer for this event! It is going to lead me to many different contacts and I will be great exposure. Woo yeah woo!

Making me happy: It's snowing & I'm inside all cozy and warm. I even got a nap! I got all ready for my snow day with yummy soup, hot chocolate, books, and movies. 

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