Monday, March 10, 2014

Why I'm a morning bird.

When I say "I love mornings"
Most reactions I get are "ick! Why!?"
It's a rarity when if I wake up past 8:30, even then I feel like my day is completely gone.
When I was younger, my grandfather would have to wake up way before sunrise to drive to Mesquite to work. My grandmother always woke up with him, just to have coffee and read the paper. I used to love to wake up early with them, sit at the table to eat my breakfast and hug my wave my grandpa "bye!" while he drove off to work. Did you know the best cartoons are on TV before 7am? I remember there was the certain show that couldn't have been on before 7am, because I had to get ready for school...and it would teach you how draw certain things. I started working my brain at an early age during early hours of the day.
I would also love waking up early and leaving before the sun was up for road trips. (Still do)
My brain is fresh and creative thoughts are at their highest peak.
If you know me, you've probably heard me say "Ugh. I'll wake up early and do it" if I get frustrated on a project or homework. Now this is not me being lazy or actually giving up. My brain just works better in the mornings than in the evenings. I recently read an article from the Huffington Post "18 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently" by Carolyn Gregoire & many of the things stated I was just like "Yes!" Especially this....
"Many great artists have said that they do their best work either very early in the morning or late at night. Vladimir Nabokov started writing immediately after he woke up at 6 or 7 a.m., and Frank Lloyd Wright made a practice of waking up at 3 or 4 a.m. and working for several hours before heading back to bed. " (Gregoire)

I feel best about myself.
It's a fresh new day and a fresh start. A chance for me to throw all of my negative thoughts away for the new day and be a better me.
My skin is fresh and clean, my hair is natural, and well...I look a bit thinner too! (Can't complain there right?)
The light of mornings is my favorite kind of light. The glow of mornings is just something that's so beautiful and calming. Seriously, everything just glows.
Coffee and Breakfast.
I've always been a breakfast person. I love food and especially my breakfast food.
& of course we all know my coffee pot is one of my best friends.
A perfect day begins with waking up before the sunrise.

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